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Tue. 09 Feb. 2021 -- Resolving Spatio-Temporal Dynamics
13:00 Uwe Bovensiepen (CRC1242) and Martin Weinelt (TRR227) Welcome
13:10 -
Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf (UDE, CRC1242) Vector microscopy with plasmonic fields

14:30 -

Sebastian Loth (Stuttgart, D) Quantum stochastic resonance of magnetic atoms

16:00 -

Poster session (with a 5-min introduction at 16:00)
Thu. 11 Feb. 2021 -- Ultrafast Interaction of Electrons, Spins, and Phonons
09:00 - 10:00 Emmanuelle Jal (Paris, F) Ultrashort XUV and soft x-ray to probe femtomagnetism effect
10:30 - 11:30 Clemens von Korff Schmising (MBI, TRR227) Optical intersite spin transfer probed by energy- and spin-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy

12:00 - 13:00

Tobias Kampfrath (FUB, TRR227) Probing and controlling ultrafast spin dynamics with terahertz radiation


Martin Weinelt Introduction
19:40 - 20:40 Margaret Murnane (Boulder, USA) Ultrafast electron calorimetry: Uncovering new light-induced phases in magnetic and 2D materials
Tue. 16 Feb. 2021 -- Exciting New Concepts for Applications
09:00 - 10:00 Ingrid Mertig (MLU, TRR227) Transversal transport coefficients and topological properties
10:30 -
Philipp Pirro (Kaiserslautern, D) Nanoscaled magnon spintronics

12:00 -

Karin Everschor-Sitte (Mainz, D) Let's TWIST again - Topological Whirls In SpinTronics


Uwe Bovensiepen Introduction
19:40 -
Simon Stellmer (Bonn, D) Optical clocks: From frequency measurements to applications across various disciplines
Thu. 18 Feb. 2021 -- Dynamics in Confined Systems
13:00 - 14:00 Annika Kurzman (Zurich, CH) Quantum dots in bilayer graphene: Spin and valley degree of freedom
14:30 -
Josh Vura-Weis (Urbana, USA) What did the metals know, and when did they know it? Femtosecond M-edge XANES reveals short-lived states in transition metal complexes

16:00 -

Poster session (with a 5-min introduction at 16:00)

* open end