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TRR227 paper published in Nature

Recording of the fast switching of magnetic moments by ultrafast light pulses

Recording of the fast switching of magnetic moments by ultrafast light pulses

Light-wave dynamic control of spins achieved by Sangeeta Sharma (TRR project A04) and coworkers.

News from Jun 27, 2019

In a recent issue of Nature (published 26 June 2019), Sangeeta Sharma at the Max Born Institute as part of a consortium of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics and for Microstructure Physics, the Max Born Institute, the University of Greifswald and Graz University of Technology were able to manipulate the magnetic properties of Ni/Pt multi-layers on a time scale of electrical field oscillations of visible light by means of a few cycle laser pulse.

Their study unveils light-field coherent control of spin dynamics and macroscopic magnetic moments in the initial non-dissipative temporal regime and establishes optical frequencies as the speed limit of future coherent spintronic applications, spin transistors and data storage media.

F. Siegrist, J. A. Gessner, M. Ossiander, C. Denker, Y.-P. Chang, M. C. Schröder, A. Guggenmos, Y. Cui, J. Walowski, U. Martens, J. K. Dewhurst, U. Kleineberg, M. Münzenberg, S. Sharma, and M. Schultze: Light-wave dynamic control of magnetism - Nature 571, 240 (2019)  - DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1333-x


Dr. Sangeeta Sharma: sangeeta.sharma@mbi-berlin.de, +49 30 6392 1350

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