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TRR227 PI Dr. Unai Atxitia publishes in Communications Physics

Together with colleagues from Spain and the UK, TRR 227 scientist Unai Atxitia (project A08) find giant localised spin-Peltier effect due to ultrafast domain wall motion in antiferromagnetic metals.

News from Feb 06, 2020

The spin Peltier effect describes the temperature modulation of a system in response to a spin current and has potential application for thermal nanosensors. Here, the authors theoretically demonstrate that for an antiferromagnetic system, via the spin Peltier effect, a current driven domain wall can carry a localised heat wave with a temperature of 1 K.

R. M. Otxoa, U. Atxitia, P. E. Roy, and O. Chubykalo-Fesenko: Giant localised spin-Peltier effect due to ultrafast domain wall motion in antiferromagnetic metals, Commun. Phys. 3: 31 (2020)  - DOI: 10.1038/s42005-020-0296-4

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