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PhD Focus Session 2022

PhD Focus Session 2022

PhD Focus Session 2022

PhD Focus Session 2022

This year’s PhD Focus Session of the division MA at the DPG Meeting of the section condensed matter (SKM), held at the University of Regensburg, was jointly organized by PhD students from the collaborative research centers TRR227 “Ultrafast Spin Dynamics” from Berlin/Halle and TRR173 “Spin+X” from Mainz/Kaiserslautern.

News from Oct 05, 2022

The Focus Session “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Spin Phenomena at the Space and Time Limit” covered tutorial-like talks on spin phenomena ranging from ferro- to altermagnetic ordering, 2D materials and spin textures at the time and space limit – a big thank you to Kirsten von Bergmann (Universität Hamburg), Johan Mentink (Radboud University Nijmegen), Tomas Jungwirth (Czech Academia of Science & Nottingham University) and Phil King (St. Andrews University) for their magnificent talks. Due to the excellent board of national and international invited speakers, more than 250 conference participants attended the session creating a vibrant atmosphere in the overcrowded lecture hall that made this session a great success.

The organization team acknowledges the great (and generous financial) support of the DPG, Division MA, TRR227 and TRR173.

Organizers: Yannic Behovits, Oliver Gueckstock (FU Berlin/FHI Berlin), Henrik Meer, Mona Bhukta (JGU Mainz), Maximilian Paleschke, Friederike Wührl, Bikash Das Mohapatra (MLU Halle-Wittenberg) and Eva S. Walther (TU Kaiserslautern).

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