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Nele Stetzuhn at Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2024

Nele Stetzuhn presenting her talk during the 73ʳᵈ Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Nele Stetzuhn presenting her talk during the 73ʳᵈ Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

TRR 227 PhD student Nele Stetzuhn had the opportunity to present her talk “Ultrafast, ultrathin, ultratunable: Spintronics in 2D materials" at the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in early July 2024.

News from Jul 15, 2024

Nele Stetzuhn pursues her doctorate on the subject of magnetic dynamics in two-dimensional materials. She uses ultrafast laser pulses to investigate and manipulate their magnetic properties in order to determine their usability for future solutions for information storage and transport. For her PhD project, Nele became part of our Transregional Collaborative  Research Center 227. The work is supervised by TRR 227 PIs Kirill Bolotin (B08) from Freie Universität Berlin and Stefan Eisebitt and Clemens von Korff Schmising (both A02) from the Max Born Institute Berlin.

Since 1951, the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings offer a unique international scientific forum for exchange across generations, cultures, and disciplines. The thematic focus rotates annually among the three scientific disciplines of the Nobel Prize: physics, chemistry, and physiology/medicine. This year's meeting was dedicated to physics.

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