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Dr. Lisa-Marie Kern receives the Klaus Tschira Foundation’s KlarText Award for Science Communication

Youtube Screenshot - Use link below to play the video

Youtube Screenshot - Use link below to play the video

TRR 227 iRTG alumna Dr. Lisa-Marie Kern just received one more prize: The KlarText Award for Science Communication of the Klaus Tschira Foundation. In the category Physics, Lisa-Marie is honored for her outstanding ability to communicate complex scienctifc concepts. - Congratulations again, again and again!

All good things come in threes :)

News from Nov 11, 2024

After being awarded with the Carl-Raumsauer-Preis 2023 of the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin and 2024 SKM Dissertation Prize of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Dr. Lisa-Marie Kern - a former TRR 227 iRTG member - is again awarded with yet another prize, the KlarText Preis für Wissenschaftskommunikation. 

She successfully communicated her complex research to a broader audience. Skyrmions, nanoscale vortices of the magnetization, are presented to non-experts. An introduction to Lisa-Marie and her communication skills is given in an insping video

Uuund Action! - Lisa-Marie Kern Klartext-Preisträgering 2024

The Klaus Tschira Foundation, which sponsors the KlarText Award, was established in 1995 by physicist and SAP co-founder Klaus Tschira. The foundation is dedicated to science communication, education and research in the fields of natural science, mathematics and computer science. The KlarText Award has been presented annually since 2002.

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